These beans come from northwest of Huehuetenago, almost to the Mexican boarder. Guatemalan beans are reliably some of the best Central American beans I buy. These have a high cupping score and boast chocolate at darker roast levels - which is exactly where I will be taking these. Comments from Sweet Maria's: "Light roasts are… Continue reading Guatemala Xinabajul Jose Villatoro:12/30/2024
Category: Uncategorized
Ethiopia Agaro Geta Bore:12/30/2024
It is time to experiment with a classic African bean, from Ethiopia. This bean is water processed, like the Central American beans I have been roasting. That means there will be less bright-fruit notes that are characteristic of dry processed African beans. I think this will make a nice entry point for more African grown… Continue reading Ethiopia Agaro Geta Bore:12/30/2024
El Salvador Finca Miravalles Bourbon:12/3/2024
Once again, a good bean in 2022, so I re-ordered. Many of the offering from small Central American fincas are blends of coffee from small farms neighboring the processing facility. However, these are purely Bourbon beans. I thought that, alone, was worth a revisit. Sweet Maria's offers these comments: Layers of dark cocoa, toasted sugars,… Continue reading El Salvador Finca Miravalles Bourbon:12/3/2024
Guatemala San Martin Jilotepeque 2: 12/3/2024
This is the second batch I have ordered from this farm. It is a reliable crowd pleaser. As a cooperative, they blend beans from a number of local small farms, so the varietals include a non-reproducible blend of Bourbon, Bourboncito, Caturra, Catuai, Typica, Catimor, and Anacafe 14 beans. Sweet Maria's has some comments below describing… Continue reading Guatemala San Martin Jilotepeque 2: 12/3/2024
Mexico Organic Chiapas Tulijá: 9/25/2024
We really liked the last batch of beans from Mexico, so I thought we would return! Tulija Tzeltal Chol is the name of the region where this coffee was grown and produced, an area inhabited mostly by indigenous Tzeltal people. This group is from Yajalon, where organic farming practices are tradition. Cupping notes from Sweet… Continue reading Mexico Organic Chiapas Tulijá: 9/25/2024
Guatemala Antigua Pulcal Inteligente: 8/30/2024
Delightful brewed coffee with depth of sweetness, delicate accents of herbal tea, lemon zest, and elegant apple-like acidity. Full City shows brooding cocoa-roast tones and dark fruit hints. City to Full City+. Good for espresso. I was lucky to grab some of this coffee. It sold out quickly as it is well known now to… Continue reading Guatemala Antigua Pulcal Inteligente: 8/30/2024
Guatemala Libertad Punta del Cerro: 6/25/2024
Punta del Cerro is near La Libertad, owned and operated by brothers Aurelio and Aler Villatoro. This family operation incorporates nearby farms as well. This batch is a mix of Bourbon, Caturra, Catuaí, and Typica coffee cultivars, grown around 1500 to 1750 ASL. Sweet Maria's tasting notes: "Caramel sweetness and roast bittering provide a balanced… Continue reading Guatemala Libertad Punta del Cerro: 6/25/2024
Xinabajul San Pedro Necta: 4/24/2024
I have roasted these popular beans in the past from "Proyecto Xinabajul" near Huehuetenango (1800-2000 m). Quoting Sweet Maria's: ``…base flavors were a cross between high \% dark chocolate bar laced with caramelized sugars. Full City+ were just incredibly chocolatey brews. Evaluated as espresso, I enjoyed the delicious intermingling of syrupy chocolate and carbonized sugar… Continue reading Xinabajul San Pedro Necta: 4/24/2024
Congo Organic Kivu Kalehe: 02/20/2024
This is an rare opportunity to roast coffee from the Congo. Lake Kivu is also bordered by Rwanda and Burundi, and this region produces some of my favorite African coffees. Relief from the civil unrest has allowed coffee farmers to return to their farms in the Congo, where they are cultivating Bourbon type plants, and… Continue reading Congo Organic Kivu Kalehe: 02/20/2024
Nicaragua Acopio Suyatal:12/24/2023
I hadn't roasted a Nicaraguan bean in ages, and this one seemed like a good place to restart. It will roast dark for the winter months, and according to Sweet Maria's "You really can't go wrong with roast level. The cup shows modest sweetness and acidity, and flavor profiles of chocolate croissant, cinnamon-laced cocoa powder,… Continue reading Nicaragua Acopio Suyatal:12/24/2023