Finca Miravalle is owned by Luis Duarte, and is located in Apaneca, Ahuachapan, not too far from the Santa Ana volcano. It's part of a much larger group of coffee plots, a few of them demarcated by cultivar separations, and the larger plots a mix of cultivars. Miravalle is perched at roughly 1500 meters above… Continue reading El Salvador Miravalle Centroamericano: 2/19/2023
Guatemala Xinabajul Flavio Del Cerro: 10/18/2022
Xinabajul Flavio Del Cerro is a mix of Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra and Typica and is grown between 1700 and 1800 meters ASL, located in the sub-municipality of La Libertad, Huehuetenango. Tasting notes from Sweet Maria's suggest, ``…unrefined sugars and bittersweetness…and fruited accents across the roast spectrum.'' My espresso had a subtle hazelnut finish. This is… Continue reading Guatemala Xinabajul Flavio Del Cerro: 10/18/2022
Peru Pueblo de Piñas: 6/25/2022
Especially good drip coffee, bittersweet chocolate and a hint of cinnamon in the finish. The small village of Piñas is located in Peru's northern district of Chontalí, and home to about 30 coffee producing families. These beans are wet processed and purchased farm to gate. Peruvian and Guatemalan fincas are generally higher altitude than Brazilian… Continue reading Peru Pueblo de Piñas: 6/25/2022
Ethiopia Yirga Cheffe Ajere : 7/10/2022
A full bodied coffee with lots of sugars, equal parts fruit and cocoa. For fun, here is how Sweet Maria's describes this coffee: ...sweetness and clean cup flavors all the way up to Full City, our lighter roasts producing a layered profile like honey drizzled pastry with dried and cooked stone fruit flavors. The dry… Continue reading Ethiopia Yirga Cheffe Ajere : 7/10/2022
Colombia Coop de Caldas EA Decaf: not yet roasted
There is some interest in Fenrir providing a decaf option, so I thought I would investigate decaf processes and see if I can offer a suitable decaf coffee that still exhibits the qualities of the fully caffeinated versions. I have chosen to start with a small batch of EA decaf bean (Ethyl Acetate). As best… Continue reading Colombia Coop de Caldas EA Decaf: not yet roasted
Colombia Veredas Vecinas: not yet roasted
I haven't roasted these bean yet, but I am excited to get back to full bodied, chocolate notes found in Central American beans. Although these beans come from a number of farms, they are all within the Southwestern Colombian region of Inzá de Cauca. Many farms are above the 2000 meter mark. The coffees that… Continue reading Colombia Veredas Vecinas: not yet roasted
Ethiopia Dry Process Guji Buku: 6/2/2022
Coffee Shrub has the following profile: An intoxicating rue-herbal note impacts the fruit flavors in the cup, with juicy sweetness, big body, and notes of blackberry, pomegranate syrup, a balsamic hint, and a honey-sweet flavor that brought to mind honey mead. City to City+. This tells me it will be a nice lighter roast for… Continue reading Ethiopia Dry Process Guji Buku: 6/2/2022
El Salvador Finca Miravalle Bourbon 5/21/2022
The Finca Miravalle is owned by Luis Duarte, and is located in Apaneca, Ahuachapan, not too far from the Santa Ana volcano. Miravalle is about 1500m, and is only planted in Pacamara Boubon. This variety is less disease resistant than recent cultivars, but Luis claims it tastes better. Sweet Maria’s roast recommendation: At Full City,… Continue reading El Salvador Finca Miravalle Bourbon 5/21/2022
Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Refisa:4/30/2022
A classic Ethiopian bean with the fruit-forward notes. At a darker roast we have some cocoa bittering in the finish. This lot comes from a private coffee processing site in Refisa village in Nensebo grown at 2000 meters ASL, where around 600 farms around 2 hectares or less contribute to the mill. From harvesting to… Continue reading Ethiopia Organic Dry Process Refisa:4/30/2022
Mexico FTO Comunidad Tierra Blanca: 4/4/2022
The Tierra Blanca commune is located in Mexico's Sierra Madre de Oaxaca mountain range (1500m ASL). This regional cooperative serves over two dozen farmers from the indigenous Zapotec population, helping these farmers get their product certified Fair Trade and Organic, and connected to a international markets. The cupping notes suggest the coffee, ...paint(s) a picture… Continue reading Mexico FTO Comunidad Tierra Blanca: 4/4/2022