Coffee for the New Year!

I just received a shipment of coffee from Sweet Maria's for January. Guatemala Chimaltenango San Martin Jilotepeque This is a wet processed and patio dried bean with the classic flavor profile you would expect from the Antigua area of Guatemala, darker roasting in the Full City+ to Vienna range I find a bittersweet Nutella and… Continue reading Coffee for the New Year!

December 2020 Coffee

Burundi Kayanza Gakenke The Gakenke coffee station (1675m ASL) in Gatara Commune, Kayanza Province of Burundi. Coffee here was introduced in the 1930s by Catholic monks. Gakenke is named after a plant that grows wild in the area hollow stems, commonly used to drink the local banana beer. During harvest season 1,900 coffee farmers from… Continue reading December 2020 Coffee