Nicaragua Dipilto Finca La Laguna: 2/19/2023

Dipilto is a premier coffee growing region, with diverse microclimates and good altitude, optimal conditions for producing specialty coffees. Finca La Laguna is operated by producer Luis Emilio Valladarez. The farm is situated at 1100 – 1350 meters, and planted entirely in Caturra. Natural shade trees abound, the coffee is protected from warm afternoon sun. Once the ripe coffee cherry is picked, it is pulped and washed onsite, then laid to dry on raised African beds. The latter step aids in even drying, keeping the parchment intact, providing protection to the green coffee bean from many outside elements. The coffee is followed by Valladarez from cherry to hulled beans, with much care put into sorting out any potential defects. The farm acquired Rainforest Alliance Certification a few years back, and has received top placement in previous RFA Nicaragua coffee competitions (including first prize!).

Cupping notes from Sweet Maria’s:

La Laguna has raw sugar sweetness in the dry fragrance along with umami hints, and roast bittering at both ends of the roast spectrum. The wet aroma brings out more of a caramel note, walnut candied with cinnamon and sugar, along with a pungent chocolate roast tone if taken all the way to Full City+. La Laguna is a versatile coffee, showing balanced flavors at a wide range of roasts. “Brown sugar” and “bodied” are accurate descriptors of this coffee at City+, with a background shadows of cocoa powder, hazelnut, and semi-sweet chocolate chips. The acidity level is fairly mild, though with faint apple-like brightness felt in light roasts. Chocolate roast flavors are developed easily with darker development, and Full City+/2nd snap roasts have massive cocoa appeal, intensely bittersweet, and would make great café au lait. La Laguna also works as a classic, bittersweet toned espresso shot on it’s own.